Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Book 3 The Ship of the Dead Rick Riordan 9781423160939 Books

Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Book 3 The Ship of the Dead Rick Riordan 9781423160939 Books
In the conclusion to the trilogy, Magnus Chase & Co. are tasked with preventing Ragnarok. To do this they must sail eastward, to the Old World (if that sounds familiar then that is because we saw something similar in The Heroes of Olympus series). Now Magnus, Samirah, Alex, Heath, Blitz and the rest of floor 19 sail to Norway to prevent Loki from launching the ship that will allow the forces of the dead and the Giants to begin Ragnarok. They don't get too much help from the Gods because that would make it too easy and then the book would be depressingly short.Riordan's book is as humorous as always. I think my favorite part was the way he described Aegir as a hipster interested in microbrews, stuck in the express line at a Whole Foods because he just wanted to buy his matcha smoothie but ahead of him were tons of individuals who did not respect the sanctity of the express lane. As someone who has found himself in a similar situation at Whole Foods (thought it was Maple Water for me), I found this hilarious. In addition there are hilarious scenes involving giant metal ducks.
The book is a great conclusion to the trilogy. Though I wish this were a five-parter and we had two more books with these characters, Ah well, maybe they will appear in some future books as Annabeth and Percy have appeared here. Here's hoping.

Tags : Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book 3 The Ship of the Dead [Rick Riordan] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>Magnus Chase, a once-homeless teen, is a resident of the Hotel Valhalla and one of Odin's chosen warriors. As the son of Frey,Rick Riordan,Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard, Book 3 The Ship of the Dead,Disney-Hyperion,1423160932,Action & Adventure - General,Fantasy & Magic,Legends, Myths, Fables - Norse,Adventure and adventurers,Adventure and adventurers;Fiction.,Loki,Mythology, Norse,Mythology, Norse;Fiction.,Ships,Ships;Fiction.,CHILDREN'S FICTION ACTION ADVENTURE,CHILDREN'S FICTION FANTASY,Children: Grades 4-6,Fiction-Fairy Tales, Folklore & Mythology,JUVENILE,JUVENILE FICTION Action & Adventure General,JUVENILE FICTION Fantasy & Magic,JUVENILE FICTION Legends, Myths, Fables Norse,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionLegends, Myths, Fables - Norse,Juvenile Grades 4-6 Ages 9-11,Monograph Series, any,United States
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Book 3 The Ship of the Dead Rick Riordan 9781423160939 Books Reviews
Read it as soon as I could. Anticipating something good to read for months. Ties in well with other series, easy to read. Interesting enough to keep you reading to the end as fast as possible.
Rick Riordan does again. Smart, accurate, funny, and serious. I have never seen an author nearly perfect this in a while. I have been a fan of his demigod books since The Lightning Thief, though I still hate the movie versions, I have read every book since then and the Magnus Chase books are the best by far. The gods are completely nuts and bizarre, but they are great and well written.
The biggest thing I love about his books is that every story has to be read from Lightning Thief and onwards to understand and know every in-joke and character outside the new cast. All the pantheons connect and I cannot wait to see how it will all end. I still don't want to see it all go though. Keep up the great work Riordan.
Riordan writes wonderful adventure novels for readers of all ages. I particularly like the fact that he shows no hesitation about having characters of different colors, cultures, religions, and sexual orientations, and they work together as one, as friends and partners, instead of enemies. A message the youth of today sorely need. Good job! It's great to see a writer of children's and young adults' novels not shying away from political correctness.
I listened for about 2 hours to the audio tape on a long car ride and was so bored, I turned it off and opted for music the last hour of my car trip. Author's Percy Jackson series and follow up series were great, but you can tell what his political views are by reading this book and I just thought it wasn't necessary to include in a children's book. If you believe gender is fluid, then it won't bother you, otherwise, it might just feel annoying and unnecessary.
This cover is gorgeous. I got my copy of the book delivered yesterday, on release day, and I cannot get over it. SO PRETTY.
Now, onto the book. I love these characters. I want them all as my friends. Just like I did with Percy and Carter and Sadie and Apollo. So basically, everyone is awesome. Happy sigh.
The actual story awesome. I mean, duh. Gotta say, the Greek gods are MUCH better at rewarding heroes, but what Magnus ended up doing was super cool and I LOVE it. Speaking of love...Malex forever! Page 262. ) Crazy smile.
Okay, so speaking of crazy smiles, that's all I had on my face these past two days. I read some of this book at school, so hopefully I didn't look too weird. The Ship of the Dead was super cool. Magnus and his friends had to do a bunch of impossible stuff and other kickass things. As always, the various Norse gods, jotun, elves, etc. were present. Good stuff. It made for some humorous and deadly (luckily not to Magnus or his friends) scenes.
This book revealed a lot of backstory on the einherjar. Mallory, Halfborn, T.J. It was heartbreaking, and interesting, and funny. I liked this a lot.
Oh, and WE SAW PERCY!!!!!!!!!! BADABADABADA!!!!!! Ahem. Anyway, something is happening down in New York. At least according to Annabeth at the end of the book. Also, Percy was there, like I said. He has a little sister, Estelle Blofis. ) ) ) Happy sigh. Squeal. Other noises that occur when Percy Jackson appears and is his beautiful self.
So yeah. 5 stars.
This is my favorite of the Magnus series. The adventures are a lot of fun. There is a nice little melding with Percy Jackson characters in the beginning. I love the sense of humor. Sarcasm is a great literary tool. There are lots of causes to support in the Riordan books and I like that young readers are introduced to ethical questions and each person's right to individuality - even if I don't always get every character- which is the whole point of all of us figuring out how to share the planet together! The elf and the dwarf remain my favorite characters.
The Ship of the Dead was a great conclusion to the Magnus Chase series, however I did think it was the weakest entry of the three books. The first 150 pages or so were just way to convenient and predictable to look pass for a higher rating. This doesn't deter me though from saying this book was loads of fun and exciting. After we got pass the speed bumps of the first 1/4 of the book, Ship of the Dead truly shined. What Magnus Chase does best for me is how it develops its characters. You really got a more in-depth look into all the characters with this final book. Some more then others yes but every character had a spotlight moment. The plot ties up wonderfully but also leaves a door open to continue the series. Rick Riordan never disappoints his readers and if he does choose to continue Magnus' story best believe I will be along for the ride.
In the conclusion to the trilogy, Magnus Chase & Co. are tasked with preventing Ragnarok. To do this they must sail eastward, to the Old World (if that sounds familiar then that is because we saw something similar in The Heroes of Olympus series). Now Magnus, Samirah, Alex, Heath, Blitz and the rest of floor 19 sail to Norway to prevent Loki from launching the ship that will allow the forces of the dead and the Giants to begin Ragnarok. They don't get too much help from the Gods because that would make it too easy and then the book would be depressingly short.
Riordan's book is as humorous as always. I think my favorite part was the way he described Aegir as a hipster interested in microbrews, stuck in the express line at a Whole Foods because he just wanted to buy his matcha smoothie but ahead of him were tons of individuals who did not respect the sanctity of the express lane. As someone who has found himself in a similar situation at Whole Foods (thought it was Maple Water for me), I found this hilarious. In addition there are hilarious scenes involving giant metal ducks.
The book is a great conclusion to the trilogy. Though I wish this were a five-parter and we had two more books with these characters, Ah well, maybe they will appear in some future books as Annabeth and Percy have appeared here. Here's hoping.

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