Survival Species Imperative #1 Julie E Czerneda Books

Survival Species Imperative #1 Julie E Czerneda Books
This author write some of my favorite work and also some that I very much dislike this one ended up more towards favorites. I thoroughly enjoy her unusual aliens and felt that this was a very good suspense story. It lacked a little bit in the romance department in the sense that the interaction between the main female and male character was a little too fairy tale. Perhaps it was more that the main female character felt extremely real and down-to-earth and the main Guy felt very 2 dimensional so it wasn't exactly obvious why he was attractive to the main character. He goes to some pretty extreme lengths for her in this story with out having a close relationship or connection 1st.
Tags : Survival: Species Imperative #1 (9780756402617): Julie E. Czerneda: Books,Julie E. Czerneda,Survival: Species Imperative #1,DAW,0756402611,Science Fiction - General,Human-alien encounters,Human-alien encounters;Fiction.,Life on other planets;Fiction.,Science fiction, Canadian,Science fiction.,AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY,FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Alien Contact,FICTION Science Fiction General,FICTION Science Fiction Hard Science Fiction,Fiction,Fiction - Science Fiction,Fiction-Science Fiction,Life on other planets,MASS MARKET,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,Science fiction,science fiction;aliens;sci-fi;sci fi;science fiction books;adventure;science fiction and fantasy;sci fi books;sci-fi books;alien;survival;adventure books;hard science fiction;robots;fiction;novels;fiction books;sci fi book;books fiction;survival fiction;books science fiction;action adventure;science fiction novels;hard science fiction books;future noir;fantasy;medical;space;mystery;commonwealth;short stories;romance;urban fantasy;horror;military;space travel;dystopia;time travel;mars,space; science fiction; science fiction books; sci-fi; science fiction and fantasy; space opera; sci fi; artificial intelligence; adventure; alien; aliens; fiction; fiction books; sci fi books; sci fi book; sci-fi books; hard science fiction; books science fiction; science fiction novels; hard science fiction books; medical; telepathy; mystery; dystopia; short stories; urban fantasy; commonwealth; thriller; military; survival; adventure books; action adventure; robots; novels; books fiction; future noir; survival fiction,FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Action & Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction Alien Contact,FICTION Science Fiction General,FICTION Science Fiction Hard Science Fiction,Science Fiction - Action & Adventure,Fiction - Science Fiction,American Science Fiction And Fantasy,Life on other planets,Fiction,Science fiction
Survival Species Imperative #1 Julie E Czerneda Books Reviews
Julie Czerneda's zingy "Survival" (first of three in the "Species Imperative" series) starts out slowly (maybe you'll think too slowly); but it picks up speed as it goes along. And it ends in an avalanche.
Mackenzie Connor, the author's spunky if stubborn heroine, is a character out of the "innocent party caught in a web of deceit" school of writing. We first meet her in her day job, as head of a unit studying salmon spawning at a time in Earth's future history when encounters with alien races are common. Requested by the government to cooperate with the bureaucrat Nik Trojanowski who's squiring around Brymn, a representative of the seven-armed Dhryn race, she and her friend and colleague Emily Mamani (the extrovert adventuress to Mac's stay-at-home studier of Earth's biology--"I study salmon," she repeats helplessly whenever she gets into a jam), soon find themselves hunted by another alien race, the Ro (they're heard but not seen). Mac and Brymn eventually get shipped out to the Dhryn home world (Mac's the only human ever allowed there) after Emily vanishes (have the Ro captured her?) and Mac fears for her own life.
The part of the tale set on the Dhryn world is when the author shines. As in her previous books, she once again demonstrates her abilities as a creator of alien biology and society, as well as its infrastructure. There's a scene in the Dhryn world's underground system that will intrigue you.
It's great fun, and you'll be satisfied with the ending. It's obvious there's more to come, but you won't find yourself hanging from a cliff either.
It's books like this that made me a science fiction fan. I haven't read anything this good in years. I loved the emphasis on biology, and I loved the fact that Mac acted and thought like a scientist. And, of course, I loved the aliens.
I've really enjoyed Czerneda's other books, but this is her masterpiece. This is serious science fiction, not just space opera (which I do enjoy, don't get me wrong). I'm amazed that it wasn't nominated for a Hugo or Nebula Award.
Admittedly, I thought the premise was implausible. But this is science fiction. In general, you just accept the premise and go from there. It also starts slow. Nothing much happens for about 50 pages. But, as it turns out, one of the very minor characters from the beginning here becomes a major character in the second and third books. And the details of Mac's life ARE important.
I would compare the detailed, dense, thoughtful writing style to C.J. Cherryh's "Foreigner." If you didn't like that book, you probably won't like this one (and if you haven't read it, do so). The plots and themes are completely different, of course, but both authors have clearly given a great deal of thought to their subjects. Yet, in both cases, they're not difficult reads. I couldn't put this book down.
They're also both idea-based AND character-based science fiction, the best of both worlds, IMHO.
This is the first in a trilogy, and it's all one story. But each book ends at an appropriate place. There aren't any cliff-hangers. Still, there are a lot of twists and turns. Don't assume that you really know what's going on at the beginning - or even at the end - of this book. So if you like this, you'll definitely want to get the other two books (which are just as good).
I was excited to hear about this book because it's written by a biologist and I like some science in my science fiction. However, other than the usual "Star Trek" gadgets, there isn't really any science other than vague references to the similarities between salmon populations and, as the title suggests, the species imperative to survive. This didn't bother me too much as the overall environment was science-y, so that satisfied me.
I did have problems with the story, namely that the main character Mac doesn't do anything. All the information she comes upon is simply told to her. She doesn't discover anything for herself, which makes her a pretty weak character to pick as the protagonist of the story. She spends about a third of the book either holed up on an alien spaceship or holed up in an alien apartment, doing nothing much.
The aliens themselves (the Drynn) are interesting and I liked the main one, Brymn, as Mac's sidekick. The alien stuff in general was pretty good but not really based in any plausible science - just more gadgets and magic tricks. I can forgive that too if the story is good. This story dragged with several chapters where nothing happened to move the plot forward.
I hate to say it, but I was mega-confused by the ending. When Mac finally figures out "what's going on," it happens in a scene where (again) someone tells her what's going on... and I didn't understand a word of it. Not because of any technical difficulties, but simply because the two characters talk in broken sentences, half-finished ideas, tangents and irrelevancies. I was completely lost and didn't understand what the point of it all was, after two readings. I only now know what the Ro and Drynn were actually up to (at least, I think I know) because of hints given in some reviews here. I'm no dummy so I really think there was a problem with the writer's clarity.
So now that I think(??) I have it all figured out, I'm fairly interested in reading the rest of the series to see where it goes.
This author write some of my favorite work and also some that I very much dislike this one ended up more towards favorites. I thoroughly enjoy her unusual aliens and felt that this was a very good suspense story. It lacked a little bit in the romance department in the sense that the interaction between the main female and male character was a little too fairy tale. Perhaps it was more that the main female character felt extremely real and down-to-earth and the main Guy felt very 2 dimensional so it wasn't exactly obvious why he was attractive to the main character. He goes to some pretty extreme lengths for her in this story with out having a close relationship or connection 1st.

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