Vampire Academy Box Set Books 14 Richelle Mead 9781595144331 Books

Vampire Academy Box Set Books 14 Richelle Mead 9781595144331 Books
I loved "Twilight" and had read a few of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I'm also a big fan of "The Vampire Diaries" TV show and "True Blood." So one night after watching TVD, I remembered how much I loved reading vampire romances. A totally guilty pleasure.I did a search on Amazon for anything that was comparable to "Twilight," since that, in its way, had been totally absorbing. I came across this series. I know that I've seen these books before, but I had serious doubts. I thought that it was just a "Twilight" spin-off series and there was no way it could be that interesting with the cheesy covers, but the plethora of five star reviews made me intrigued. Also, don't judge a book by its cover, right?)
I ordered the box set of four. Something instinctually (or MAYBE it was the reviewer that said she was miserable after she read one and had to wait for the next one to come- I've been there before!) told me that I'd need at least the first four...I'm so glad I did!
This is, hands down, the best vampire series I've read yet. From the beginning, Rose is this complex mixture of strong, damaged, caring, sexy, whiny, but however she presents, you can't help but like her. The way Richelle Mead channels her, she comes across as very realistic. There are so many layers, you're bound to see a bit of yourself in her. Even when she does manage unrealistic feats, you find yourself says, "Well, if anyone could do that, Rose Hathaway could..."
All of her characters- Lissa, Christian, Adrian, Mia -Mead has created such wonderful surprises with them that you never know what to expect.
And Dimitri. Save the best for last. Dimitri is a god. You find yourself and Rose falling in love with him at the same time. He holds back, but then, gives in. He's her teacher, her guide, but their love is so passionate it transcends a LOT of things. By book four, I oddly found myself with these weird conflicting emotions. He'd broken my heart, but I still couldn't hate him, despite everything he'd done.
Seriously, if you're going through "Twilight" withdrawal, you won't know what hit you when you get these books. I have not been able to put them down and couldn't recommend them more highly!

Tags : Vampire Academy Box Set (Books 1-4) [Richelle Mead] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>Book Details:</b><ul><li>Format: Box Set</li><li>Publication Date: 10/14/2010</li><li>Pages: 1680</li><li>Reading Level: Age 14 and Up</li></ul>,Richelle Mead,Vampire Academy Box Set (Books 1-4),Razorbill,1595144331,1595144331,Teens - General
Vampire Academy Box Set Books 14 Richelle Mead 9781595144331 Books Reviews
I couldn't put these books down. I literally read all 6 in about 8 days. I bought this book set, and by the time I got to book 3, I ordered the rest so I wouldn't have to wait for them. Trust me when I say, buy all the books at once, book 4 is too juicy not to have book 5 on hand. I am so obcessed with these books that I want to read them all over again, and I just finished the series yesterday. I already miss the characters, and I want to be back in Vampire Academy! Don't let any of the bad reviews get to you, it is such a great story you will definitely love it. It is YA, BUT there is enough juicyness to keep an adult female reader interested. You will fall in love with these books, they are a must read! You will be so sad when you are done because you won't want it to end, but I am very excited for the spin-off series coming out in August 2011. BUY the books, they are GREAT!
My package of 4 paperback books arrived in excellent condition. It was on time and very well wrapped. I am of the opinion that the series of 6 books titled "The Vampire Academy" written by Richelle Mead was just as good if not better than the Twilight Series. It was released to the reading public before the Twilight Series. It would have made a great movie and should still be considered. Yes, another vampire fantasy but what a delicious escape in the land of bat bites. I actually had this set in hardback cover but unfortunately it floated away in the Pompton Lakes flood (right after Hurricane Irene) along with most of my belongings. I would heartly recommend this book set for a great week of reading. You will not be able to put it down and of course you gals will fall madly in love with Dimitri. Need I say more?
I was referred to this book series by the Twilight Saga Authors & The Hatchett Book Club.
Once I received my 4 book collection this past Thursday, I read them in three days over the weekend and was immediately obssessed with Lissa, Rose, Dimitri and the Author Ms. Richelle Mead. I can't wait for my next two books two arrive so I can continue my journey with this Excellent story.
Wow! I fell in love with Stephenie Meyer's Edward & Bella's Romance on the Twilight Saga! But Ms. Mead has won my heart with this powerful friendship & bond between Rose & Lissa, and the will Rose has to betray once again all her teachings as a Guardian to Protect the Moroi Princess Lissa, to save Dimitri from the dark Strigoi's power.
Excellent storyline! I Love It So Much!
My heart wants more Vampire friendship, bond, guardians, and forbidden love.
Mrs. Peterson
On The Saga I'm Known as Twi-EmmettCullenBreakingTwilight
Richelle Mead is amazing. From plot to character development to setting a scene, she's just a pitch-perfect writer. I couldn't put these books down and they are by far my favorite vampire novels (I admit I haven't read some of the classic series i.e. Anne Rice).
I thought Bella in Twilight was a lot like me, but I realized later that she's a bit of a blank slate and almost anyone could project their personality onto her.
The protagonist of this series, Rose Hathaway, is nothing like me. In fact, she's almost a total opposite! I wouldn't do most of the things she does... however, I understand her motiviations because her thoughts are so well-written. How often do you cheer for a hero that is nothing like you?
I was rooting for her success the whole way and flew through all six novels in less than a couple of weeks (I never do that, I usually take ages to finish one book).
I can't recommend these enough!
I loved "Twilight" and had read a few of the Sookie Stackhouse novels. I'm also a big fan of "The Vampire Diaries" TV show and "True Blood." So one night after watching TVD, I remembered how much I loved reading vampire romances. A totally guilty pleasure.
I did a search on for anything that was comparable to "Twilight," since that, in its way, had been totally absorbing. I came across this series. I know that I've seen these books before, but I had serious doubts. I thought that it was just a "Twilight" spin-off series and there was no way it could be that interesting with the cheesy covers, but the plethora of five star reviews made me intrigued. Also, don't judge a book by its cover, right?)
I ordered the box set of four. Something instinctually (or MAYBE it was the reviewer that said she was miserable after she read one and had to wait for the next one to come- I've been there before!) told me that I'd need at least the first four...I'm so glad I did!
This is, hands down, the best vampire series I've read yet. From the beginning, Rose is this complex mixture of strong, damaged, caring, sexy, whiny, but however she presents, you can't help but like her. The way Richelle Mead channels her, she comes across as very realistic. There are so many layers, you're bound to see a bit of yourself in her. Even when she does manage unrealistic feats, you find yourself says, "Well, if anyone could do that, Rose Hathaway could..."
All of her characters- Lissa, Christian, Adrian, Mia -Mead has created such wonderful surprises with them that you never know what to expect.
And Dimitri. Save the best for last. Dimitri is a god. You find yourself and Rose falling in love with him at the same time. He holds back, but then, gives in. He's her teacher, her guide, but their love is so passionate it transcends a LOT of things. By book four, I oddly found myself with these weird conflicting emotions. He'd broken my heart, but I still couldn't hate him, despite everything he'd done.
Seriously, if you're going through "Twilight" withdrawal, you won't know what hit you when you get these books. I have not been able to put them down and couldn't recommend them more highly!

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