A Red Rose Chain Toby Daye Howard Hughes 9781472120205 Books

A Red Rose Chain Toby Daye Howard Hughes 9781472120205 Books
Disclosure: I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for a honest review.A Red-Rose Chain is the ninth installment in the long running October Daye Series. The October Daye series is one of my all-time favorite Urban Fantasy series with the likes of Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson. October is no stranger to danger because she always finds herself in the middle of it whether intentionally or not. In this latest addition, October is sent to the Kingdom of Silence to broker a peace treaty with their king. But instead of peace talk, the false king and queen are determined to incite a war. And as usual it’s up to Toby and her friends to save the day.
I enjoyed A Red-Rose Chain for the most part but I couldn’t help but feel like this was just a filler book. There wasn’t much happening plot-wise. This is the beginning of a new arc in the series but there was no progression to the story or the characters. It was cool seeing a different area of Faerie but that’s about it. The plot felt recycled and uneventful. I also thought the ending was anticlimactic and resolved way too quickly. Once again Toby easily sacrifices herself for the greater good but of course is saved/cured immediately. A little too convenient if I must say. Many reviewers mentioned the overkill in recaps and I definitely agree. I don’t think every single little thing needed an explanation.
This wasn’t the best or strongest book in the series but overall still good. I’m just excited that Toby and Tybalt are going to get married. With that said I hope the wedding is somewhere in the next two books. Or maybe we'd get to see Quentin's home.

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A Red Rose Chain Toby Daye Howard Hughes 9781472120205 Books Reviews
"A Red Rose Chain" is an achievement for Seanan McGuire. It has all the action, emotion, mystery, and revelation of her earlier October Daye novels, and this time McGuire has nailed the pacing as well. Some of her earlier books have been criticized for lagging at times or being bloated with filler and unnecessary repetition. This book just flows smoothly from beginning to end without gratuitous excursions or needlessly jarring transitions. Kudos to McGuire for continuing to raise the level of her craft!
As for the content of the book, Toby finds herself in the court of King Rhys, an old crony of the queen Toby just recently helped to depose in the Kingdom of the Mists aka the San Francisco Bay area. King Rhys has elf-shot Queen Arden's seneschal, putting him to sleep for 100 years, as part of a declaration of war. Queen Arden has dispatched Toby to Rhys' Kingdom of Silences in hopes of averting a costly and bloody war. Toby knows she hasn't been sent because of her diplomatic skills; she strongly suspects that Arden expects Toby to sow her usual chaos, aborting the war by bringing down the king. Toby wouldn't mind doing taking King Rhys out, if she could find a way; not only is he harboring one of Toby's most bitter enemies, but his cruelty and intolerance, particularly towards her fellow changelings, are deeper than she could have guessed. King Rhys is clever, however, and he will not easily be outmaneuvered. Furthermore, Toby herself has something that the king wants, and he is not shy about telling her that he will have it -- and it is not something she can part with and yet live.
Which, by the way, she does. Just so you know. Live, that is. Also, as a heads-up, if you're like me you will find yourself thinking at around p. 300 that there is no way she will wrap this thing up by p. 358. She does. It is not a cliff-hanger. So don't get too anxious about it.
Overall, I'd say that "Red Rose Chain" keeps the series alive and growing. Toby's evolution as a person and as a fae power continues. She remains vulnerable, partly by choice -- she could abandon her humanity at any time, if she so decided -- and at the same time she learns more and more about the great capabilities and not-so-substantial limits of her blood magic. (By the way, I should slightly dial back what I said about repetition - she does go on too much about what it means to be Dochas Sidhe with power over blood, ability to sense blood, etc.) By surviving this trial, Toby not only gains in reputation, but it becomes increasingly clear that her role, should she survive it, is to clean up faery; perhaps she is even the one to orchestrate the return of Oberon, the absent father of the fae. Having your character rise from humble origins to become a major force in the world is hardly unprecedented in the history of novel series, but it's not always done very smoothly, and very often the character and the novels lose the characteristics that made them appealing in the first place. McGuire is doing a good job of keeping Toby sympathetic and relatable even as she increases her powers and the stakes at risk in each novel.
One more thing In this novel, McGuire does two things that do not seem wise to me. Make that three. First, she barely uses the Ludaig, who has emerged as one of the most interesting and enjoyable secondary characters in the series. Second, she uses the Ludaig in a way that does not seem consistent with her earlier behavior. I hope she is not turning the Ludaig into Toby's housecat. Third, she allows Toby and her friends to destroy a pillar of the fae way of warfare, one that has persisted for centuries if not millennia. The fallout from this act has to loom large in the next novel , which would be too bad. I don't care nearly as much about the tactics of fae conflict as I do about what the deal is with Toby's mother, why Oberon flew the coop, and other larger issues about faery and humanity.
Bottom line "A Red Rose Chain" is an excellent addition to this series. Some of the earlier books may feature more surprising twists or more dramatic events, but this book is still full and satisfying. If you've followed the series up to this point, reading this book is a no-brainer. Let's hope that McGuire continues to feed us another one of these fantastic feasts at least once a year into the indefinite future.
Seanan McGuire writes some of the best urban paranormal fantasy noir ever! "A Red Rose Chain" is the 9th in this series, If you have not already read any or all of the others you would probably be better off starting with the first of the 9 books " Rosemary and Rue" though Toby is pretty broken in the first book having spent 14 years as a fish and lost everything that mattered to her and for the first few books she can be rather annoying at time . by now however October (Toby ) Daye has grown a lot in this series and found love and companions to share her work. Here the new Queen of the Mists sends her as an improbable diplomat to try to prevent a war. "A Red Rose Chain" is set almost entirely in the Fairy lands and is perhaps far less urban than most in this great series but is still an enthralling read with lots of grit . Toby is a Hero and she deals with old and new enemies and the deceptions and threats of complex world of both the fairy realms and the mundane world . Part of this story is set in Portland and Part in forests ), and as usual, the Author has caught the essence of the locations.
Disclosure I received a review copy from the publisher in exchange for a honest review.
A Red-Rose Chain is the ninth installment in the long running October Daye Series. The October Daye series is one of my all-time favorite Urban Fantasy series with the likes of Kate Daniels and Mercy Thompson. October is no stranger to danger because she always finds herself in the middle of it whether intentionally or not. In this latest addition, October is sent to the Kingdom of Silence to broker a peace treaty with their king. But instead of peace talk, the false king and queen are determined to incite a war. And as usual it’s up to Toby and her friends to save the day.
I enjoyed A Red-Rose Chain for the most part but I couldn’t help but feel like this was just a filler book. There wasn’t much happening plot-wise. This is the beginning of a new arc in the series but there was no progression to the story or the characters. It was cool seeing a different area of Faerie but that’s about it. The plot felt recycled and uneventful. I also thought the ending was anticlimactic and resolved way too quickly. Once again Toby easily sacrifices herself for the greater good but of course is saved/cured immediately. A little too convenient if I must say. Many reviewers mentioned the overkill in recaps and I definitely agree. I don’t think every single little thing needed an explanation.
This wasn’t the best or strongest book in the series but overall still good. I’m just excited that Toby and Tybalt are going to get married. With that said I hope the wedding is somewhere in the next two books. Or maybe we'd get to see Quentin's home.

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